In the heart of George Town, Penang, lies Backdoor Bodega, self-proclaimed as Penang's overpriced pin shop. Yet, this unique establishment offers much more than meets the eye, blending the worlds of collectible pins with innovative cocktails in a setting that's both intriguing and inviting.
While Backdoor Bodega humorously brands itself as an overpriced pin shop, visitors quickly discover it's a treasure trove of creativity and mixology. The shop's eclectic collection of pins, ranging from "Kelapa Hotak" to "Insomnia" sets, reflects its quirky and inventive spirit. However, the real magic happens with their cocktail offerings, which, although temporarily unavailable, promise to return with the same flair and quality that patrons have come to love.
Backdoor Bodega is not just a place to grab a unique pin or a bespoke cocktail; it's a vibrant hub for creativity and connection in George Town. The shop's atmosphere, characterized by its playful approach to retail and mixology, invites locals and tourists alike to explore the unique intersection of art, drink, and culture.
The temporary unavailability of bottled cocktails at Backdoor Bodega has only heightened anticipation for their return. Known for their inventive drinks and the engaging experience of choosing a cocktail, the bodega has built a reputation as a must-visit destination for those seeking something out of the ordinary in Penang's bustling culinary and nightlife scene.
Backdoor Bodega invites you to step into a world where the less you know, the better you sleep. With its promise of returning cocktails, unique pin collections, and an atmosphere filled with mystery and charm, it stands as a testament to the creative spirit of George Town. Whether you're a collector, a cocktail enthusiast, or simply in search of a memorable experience, Backdoor Bodega awaits with its doors open, ready to surprise and delight.